Executive Director/Founder of “I Am a Force4Good” Brenda Schubach Tells How Her Journey to Help Began

Founder and Executive Director of I Am a Force4Good®, Brenda Schubach relives the birth of compassion that gave rise to her international organization that provides opportunity, safety, hope and prosperity to women and children worldwide.

MILWAUKEE, WI – June 26, 2015 – Brenda Schubach, Founder and Executive Director of I Am a Force4Good, a human interest company creating opportunities for women around the world recently posted a new article on her website entitled, “Imagine the Impact: One Bar of Soap at a Time.” Reflecting back on what inspired her to start I am a Force4Good, Brenda Schubach inspires others to give.

Schubach writes, “In early June, Hope House in Milwaukee will be the recipient of 100 bars of soap being donated by I Am a Force4Good®. As it happens, bars of soap are the foundation upon which I Am a Force4Good® was built. And, the mission of Hope House, an organization founded to support battered women and children who’ve been forced into homelessness served as inspiration in the creation of I Am a Force4Good®.”

Inspired by the suffering of others less fortunate than herself, Schubach relates, In the midst of the economic downturn during the summer of 2010, I was on a sales call with women from all over the country. My end of the line was muted, however I could hear the women talking amongst themselves as they waited for the presenter to open the line. The women were talking about how they had lost their savings in 2008 and how they were hoping and praying for a way to survive. Some of the women were losing their homes to foreclosure.”

Schubach shares, “I had managed to avoid being financially devastated by the stock market crash by sheer accident.” She continues, “Hearing the pain and desperation in these women’s voices made me want to do something to help them. I didn’t know what I could do at that time. But the question was there. How can I help?”

According to Schubach, “Shortly before Christmas, on a bitter cold Chicago evening I passed by shelters that had always been able to house the homeless. However on this night there were so many people they were turning away dozens, women and children included. It was 10 degrees with the bitter cold wind blowing off of Lake Michigan. I was devastated. I wondered where these women and children would go, how they would survive the night let alone stay warm.”

As Schubach relates, “I experienced a piercing sense of guilt knowing that my family was safe and warm and would be celebrating Christmas in a few days.”

The entire article can be read at http://www.iamaforce4good.com/imagine-the-impact-one-bar-of-soap-at-a-time/


Coming from a background in criminal justice, Brenda worked with domestic violence victims, exploited children and those living in poverty, at the Department of Justice and Boston’s Children’s Hospital in conjunction with Harvard University. After contributing to a guide for prosecuting attorneys in domestic violence, Brenda embarked on a new career of education and visual merchandising, studying at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, SMU, and Stanford University. Her business savvy, legal background and passion to help others has given rise to her founding and serving as the Executive Director of I am a Force4Good, a company she created to help bring dignity to women around the world with fair and equal opportunities.


I am a Force4Good’s Vision is to empower women and young girls locally and internationally with equality in education, employment and social justice. 
We are about creating 360-degrees of healthy & sustainable living for all of humanity globally. We offer beautiful, handmade, artisan gifts made with meaning and purpose. Specifically, we help women from around the world (many of whom have faced very difficult situation in their lives) to create business opportunities for themselves.

Learn more about our Fair Trade & Organic Gifts at www.IamaForce4Good.com

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