International Coach For Divorced Men Manj Weerasekera Says Earning A Date’s Trust Means Showing You Have Her Best Interest At Heart

Manj Weerasekera, “The Fresh Start Guy,” helps readers form relationships built on trust by encouraging them to be forthright, respectful, and true to their word.  

LONDON, UK  — Sep 24, 2015 — Manj Weerasekera, “The Fresh Start Guy,” published a new blog post entitled “Are You Trustworthy Enough For Your ‘Mrs. Right’”? In the post, he urges men—especially those who’ve been forgetful or emotionally withdrawn in their relationships—to bring their best selves on every date in order to earn trust right from the very start.

Manj Weerasekera photo for coverWeerasekera says, “You know deep down that you’re a trustworthy guy—even if you’ve forgotten the groceries, showed up late to a rendezvous, or let a secret slip once or twice. Nobody is perfect, after all! But when you’re starting to date again, you have to be at the top of your game if you want to find and keep Mrs. Right. You might have the brains, brawn, and bank account to attract her—but without trust, even those things amount to very little. So how do you get your act together and prove that you can be trusted right from the start?”

Manj is a highly regarded international coach for divorced men looking to attract their ideal partner. He has an in-depth understanding of human behaviour and uses his skills to help his clients find their “Mrs. Right” the second or even third time around.

Whilst working as a successful Executive Coach, Manj found himself supporting clients in their personal relationships and saw how the pressures of managing a career or business can take its toll. His targeted coaching programs, along with his desire to make the vital difference, makes Manj the “go-to” coach in this area – The Fresh Start Guy.

The entire article can be found here

About Manj Weerasekera:

Manj Weerasekera is an expert in personal communication and a Life Skills Mentor to high net worth individuals (including some honoured by Her Majesty the Queen).

Manj has a world-class skills set that includes Humanistic Neuro-Linguistic Psychology, Performance Mindset Conditioning and the Psychology of Attention. He has worked with the UK House of Lords, co-produced a series of BBC audio books, and is author of the forthcoming book, ‘The Divorced Man’s Guide To Finding Mrs Right’.

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