Category: Dr. John Rosa

National Opioid Crisis Expert, Dynamic Speaker, And Author, Dr. John Rosa Reminds Readers That While Forgotten, The Opioid Epidemic Is Still Very Much Alive.

Dr. John P. Rosa, opioid crisis expert, author, and dynamic speaker attempts to return the focus of legislators and health agencies back to the opioid epidemic which has been lost in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, yet which experts confirm is deadlier than ever.  ROCKVILLE, MD. April 28, 2021: Dr. John Rosa, dynamic speaker, […]

Written by on April 28, 2021

National Opioid Crisis Expert, Dynamic Speaker, And Author, Dr. John Rosa Encourages Parents And Healthcare Professionals To Be Alert To Symptoms Of Drug Use And Mental Illness In Children After Pandemic Is Over.

Dr. John P. Rosa, opioid crisis expert, author and dynamic speaker alerts readers to the dangers that may await our youngest children who are living through the pandemic and unable to voice or understand their anxieties once it is long forgotten. ROCKVILLE, MD. April 21, 2021: Dr. John Rosa, dynamic speaker, national opioid crisis expert, […]

Written by on April 21, 2021

National Opioid Crisis Expert, Dynamic Speaker And Author, Dr. John Rosa Writes About The Phrase “Pseudo-Addiction” which he calls twisted terminology and explains by breaking down the origin of the phrase.

Dr. John P. Rosa, opioid crisis expert, author and dynamic speaker pursues the origin and meaning of the phrase “pseudo-addiction” and explains why he sees it as a rationale by pharmaceutical companies to fool the public into thinking they need more opioids to control their pain. ROCKVILLE, MD. March 30, 2021: Dr. John Rosa, dynamic […]

Written by on March 30, 2021

National Opioid Crisis Expert, Dynamic Speaker And Author, Dr. John Rosa Writes How Tiger Wood’s History Of Accidents, Injuries And Conflicts Could Be The Result Of Mental Stress.

Dr. John P. Rosa, opioid crisis expert, author and dynamic speaker considers how Tiger Woods, whom he considers the GOAT (greatest of all time) in the game of golf, might have avoided the repetitive injuries, accidents and personal conflicts if his mental health needs had been a priority. ROCKVILLE, MD. March 15, 2021: Dr. John […]

Written by on March 15, 2021

Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, The Recipient Of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award And Best-Selling Author, Dr. John Trowbridge, Shares An Article About The History Of The Medical Industry. 

Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor in Advance Medicine, the Recipient of The Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, and best-selling author, writes about the little known history of how medicine has come to be practiced the way it is today.  HOUSTON, TX – February 15, 2021: Dr. John Trowbridge, Marquis Who’s Who […]

Written by on February 26, 2021

National Opioid Crisis Expert, Dynamic Speaker And Author, Dr. John Rosa Gives An Overview Of How The Medical Industry Has Been Manipulated Through The Ages.

Dr. John P. Rosa, opioid crisis expert, author and dynamic speaker reveals a very unpleasant truth about the ongoing suppression of healing modalities that work with the natural healing capacity of the human body in favor of “treatments” such as pills and surgeries that reap monetary benefits for the medical industrial complex. ROCKVILLE, MD. February […]

Written by on February 26, 2021

National Opioid Crisis Expert, Dynamic Speaker And Author, Dr. John Rosa Writes About The Trauma Young Children Are Exposed To That Often Leads To Negative Behaviors And Later Drug Use And Abuse.

Dr. John P. Rosa, opioid crisis expert, author and dynamic speaker discusses the events that occurred in 2020 that may impact developing children in much the same way that soldiers who have been to war are emotionally impacted. ROCKVILLE, MD. February 15, 2021: Dr. John Rosa, dynamic speaker, national opioid crises expert, and co-author of […]

Written by on February 15, 2021

National Opioid Crisis Expert, Dynamic Speaker And Author, Dr. John Rosa Writes About The Growing Recognition Of The Role The Brain Plays In Chronic Pain.

Dr. John P. Rosa, opioid crisis expert, author and dynamic speaker writes about the emotional connection between the brain and pain and how opioids, despite continued use, do not ease chronic pain. ROCKVILLE, MD. January 28, 2021: Dr. John Rosa, dynamic speaker, national opioid crises expert, and co-author of The Recipe for Success with Jack […]

Written by on January 28, 2021

National Opioid Crisis Expert, Dynamic Speaker And Author, Dr. John Rosa Shares Recent Research Showing That Opioids Create Pain Rather Than Make It Go Away. 

National Opioid Crisis Expert, Dynamic Speaker And Author, Dr. John Rosa Shares Recent Research Showing That Opioids Create Pain Rather Than Make It Go Away.  Dr. John P. Rosa, opioid crisis expert, author and dynamic speaker reveals the devastating and painful effects of long-term opioid use based on recent research.  ROCKVILLE, MD. January 19, 2021: Dr. […]

Written by on January 19, 2021


Dr. John P. Rosa, national opioid crisis expert, author and dynamic speaker, discusses the unavoidable health risks associated with social isolation and how the mandates meant to protect are now becoming as much of a threat as the COVID-19 virus. ROCKVILLE, MD. December 30, 2020: Owner of Accessible Beltway Clinics and opioid crises expert, Dr. […]

Written by on December 30, 2020