Retirement Expert Sue Ferreira To Be Honored With Golden Quill Award in Hollywood

Sue Ferreira, retirement expert, will receive a Golden Quill Award from The National Academy of Best-Selling Authors™ at the Second Annual Best Seller’s Summit and Awards Gala.

Orlando, Fla. – October 19, 2011 – Sue Ferreira, retirement and educational counselor for baby-boomers, will be recognized at the Second Annual Best Seller’s Summit and Awards Gala hosted by National Academy of Best-Selling Authors™.  The event will be taking place October 20-21, 2011 at the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood, California.

Sue Ferreira will be honored for becoming a best seller with the book Win!: 35 Winning Strategies From Today’s Leading Experts. The book features top advice from some of the most successful experts from around the world.  The authors share business strategies and real-life solutions that can help others in the new and rapidly changing economy. Win! was released on Thursday, September 22nd, 2011 by business book publisher CelebrityPress™. On the day of release, the book reached #1 in the Direct Marketing category. It also reached best-seller status in the Entrepreneurship and Business Management categories.

Always interested in the fortunes of the Boomer demographic, Sue Ferreira realized many years ago, the challenges that would face our society, when such a large cohort began to retire. The financial collapse of 2008 has accentuated these difficulties, not only for Boomers, who have no time left to re-build their losses, but also for their children and grand-children, who will inevitably be affected by their elders difficulties, as well as their own.

Having always been in a caring profession and wishing to make a difference in her later years, Sue has built the community of Boomer-Bucks to offer support and advice for Boomers, (and anyone else) who are realizing their retirement plans are on hold and who need clarify their life and financial priorities and to transition or re-direct to new ventures.

This year at the Awards Gala, The National Academy of Bestselling Authors™ will also recognize Brian Tracy, the author of more than 50 Best-Selling books and trainer of more than 2.5 Million people, with a Lifetime Achievement Award.  Last year’s Lifetime Achievement Award went to renowned author of The E-Myth, Michael E. Gerber.

The National Academy of Best Selling Authors™ was founded by two attorneys, JW Dicks, Esq. and Nick Nanton, Esq. Authors themselves, they recognized that only a very limited number of books made the major New York Times Best Seller list and just like the awards shows put on by the entertainment-based organizations, they wanted to have more categories for authors to be accepted and recognized for their accomplishment. The National Academy of Best Selling Authors™ now honors authors from many of the leading independent best-seller lists.

Learn more about Sue Ferreira please visit

To learn more about the National Academy of Best-Selling Authors™ please visit

To learn more about the upcoming Awards Gala, please visit

Posted Under: Golden Quill