Tax Resolution Attorney John P. Willis Reminds Taxpayers That Missing October 15 Tax Filing Extension Can Lead To Giving Up And Getting Into Really Big IRS Trouble

Tax resolution attorney John Willis, CEO and founder of IRSALLSTAR tells his readers that there will be many people who even though they filed for a late-filing extension will also miss that deadline and will face bigger penalties.

Fairhope, AL, October 10, 2019: Tax Attorney John Willis, CEO and founder of, recently published a blog on his website entitled “Expect Big Penalties If You Miss The October 15 Tax Filing Extension Deadline.” Mr. Willis reminds his readers that missing the filing extension is often what leads taxpayers into difficult IRS problems.

John P WillisWillis writes, “Perhaps you knew you were going to need more time and you actually filed IRS Form 4868 on or before the April 2019 filing deadline.” He offers a hearty, “Good for you, if you did.” He continues adding, “That bought you an extra six months to file your tax return. And now, that deadline is here. Believe me when I tell you, there will be many people who will be scrambling right up to the finish line. And, there will be plenty of people who will miss it.”

“Missing the extension deadline will cost extra-tardy taxpayers plenty,” Willis states. He explains, “The IRS’ late-payment penalty is normally 0.5% per month of the outstanding tax not paid by the April deadline. The maximum penalty is a whopping 25%.”

As Willis states, “You may not be aware, but the filing extension only allows you more time to file your tax return, not more time to pay what you owe. So if you owe taxes you are expected to pay at least 90% of your tax liability by the April deadline. But, this year, if you’ve paid at least 80% of what you owe, you might catch a break.”

The entire blog can be read at:


Mr. Willis believes strongly in supporting and representing the “underdog” and has devoted his entire professional life to protecting and defending those who need it most. As an attorney, Mr. Willis takes his role as “counselor” seriously. His knowledge, creativity and persistence are valuable assets that provide substantial benefits to his clients. He has represented individuals and businesses across the Gulf Coast for over 19 years and, he brings together an abundance of skills and experience that can be of assistance to almost anyone.


The IRSALLSTAR team has developed a winning formula to ensure that each client’s individual needs are specifically met. Upon becoming a client of Mr. Willis’ law firm, that client’s immediate needs are assessed, and long-term goals are defined. Experienced professionals on the IRSALLSTAR team then assist each client in developing and implementing a custom-tailored game plan to provide both short-term and long-term relief from his or her serious tax problems. All firm clients are continually coached toward successful tax resolution and final victory over their challenges with the IRS and state taxing authorities.

To learn more about Mr. Willis and his law firm please visit or call toll-free 877-254-4254.

Posted Under: IRSALLSTAR, John P. Willis